New Addiction Helpline Guides Teenage Addicts to Recovery
Sidney, OH (PRWEB) January 01, 2014 -- The Sidney Adolescent Rehab Helpline has been established to help young adults access reliable information about drug and alcohol treatment programs in their area. The helpline is providing a much-needed resource for teenagers who previously didn’t know where to turn for assistance. The goal for the helpline is inform teen addicts and their parents which rehab centers can provide treatment programs designed specifically for young adults.
The ability to access reliable information on addiction, sobriety, and rehab programs can provide teens with the help they need to seek treatment and overcome addiction. The Sidney Adolescent Rehab Helpline can be reached by calling (937) 506-5136. Operators are available at all hours to provide information, guidance and support for teens seeking to overcome their chemical dependency. Parents are also encourage to contact the helpline to learn more about the best rehab centers available for their child.
Teenagers and their parents can also access additional information about addiction and recovery treatment by visiting the helpline’s website at The website contains detailed information on rehab and recovery facilities as well as the various treatment programs including educational and therapeutic options.
By providing accurate information about drug rehabilitation, parents will have the resources they need to make an intelligent decision on what kind of treatment is best for their child. It’s also the goal of the helpline and website to help teens overcome the difficult hurdle of admitting to an addiction.
About the Sidney Adolescent Rehab Helpline:
The Sidney Adolescent Rehab Helpline is dedicated to helping young adults overcome substance abuse by providing accurate information about local drug and alcohol rehab centers and their treatment programs. If you’re a teenagers struggling with a chemical dependency or your child has developed an addiction, call today at (937) 506-5136 or email mail(at)drugrehabsidney(dot)com for more information.
Sidney Adolescent Rehab Helpline,, +1 (330) 578-1766, [email protected]
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