Richmond, CA Adopts a Health in All Policies (HiAP) Strategy and Ordinance
Richmond, California (PRWEB) April 20, 2014 -- The City of Richmond continues its leadership in working towards health equity exemplified by the recent adoption of a Health in All Polices (HiAP) Strategy and Ordinance by the Richmond City Council.
The City of Richmond recognizes that health equity is an issue that stretches far beyond the doctor’s office. Health in All Policies (HiAP), or “healthy public policy,” is based on the idea that health starts with where people live, work, learn, and play and that community health is influenced by more than just individual choices. One’s physical and social environment and local government decisions that shape these environments, all play a role in influencing human health.
Richmond’s HiAP strategy integrates health and equity considerations and performance standards into city decisions from budgeting to parks and engineering to partnerships with community-based organizations. City manager Bill Lindsay noted the Ordinance will operationalize “City services through the prism of health.”
The City of Richmond worked collaboratively with UC Berkeley Professor Jason Corburn, a national recognized researcher in health equity and city planning, to develop a community driven HiAP Strategy and Ordinance that will guide City policy. Professor Corburn notes, “Richmond is the first city in California and the only I know of in the US to have both a HiAP Ordinance and supporting implementation Strategy." The HiAP Strategy and Ordinance is a product of over two years of research, planning and input from residents, community based organizations and city staff, including workshops and community meetings.
“This Health in All Policies Strategy and Ordinance reflects Richmond’s on-going commitment to working collaboratively with the community to define a healthy and equitable city and take pro-active steps to implement this vision,” says UC Berkeley Professor Jason Corburn. “Health in All Policies is a practical way local governments can address the multiple social, economic and environmental inequities that disproportionately impact the health of certain groups and neighborhoods. Ultimately, everyone in Richmond and the Bay Area will benefit from Richmond’s innovative approach to health promotion.”
The HiAP strategy sets a framework of collaboration within city departments as well as with community based organizations and other government agencies to address community health, equity and sustainability in Richmond. Through this lens, Health in All Policies is both a practice and destination.
“Richmond’s priority is effective service and accountability to our community,” says Richmond city manager Bill Lindsay. “Health in All Policies is critical for aligning City priorities and projects to provide our residents with the best opportunities for quality of life.”
For more information on the City of Richmond’s Health in All Policies Ordinance and Strategy, visit the City’s Health Initiatives website at
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Shasa Curl, City of Richmond, CA,, +1 510-412-2091, [email protected]
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