CAMBRIDGE, England & CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (PRWEB) April 15, 2016 -- PetaGene, the genomics data compression and acceleration company, has been awarded "Best of Show" at the 2016 Bio-IT World Conference & Expo for its PetaSuite product, which launched at the conference; The Best of Show award recognizes the top innovative product solutions for the life sciences industry on display at the conference.
PetaGene demonstrated its PetaSuite product at the event, showing how its innovative compression technology can significantly reduce the size of genomic data while preserving access in industry standards, such as FASTQ, BAM and CRAM formats. This size reduction not only cuts data storage costs, but also makes collaboration faster by accelerating transfers, and can reduce I/O bottlenecks to help speed up analysis. PetaSuite offers both a lossless and an innovative BayesCal compression option, with up to a four-fold reduction in storage hardware costs for lossless compression. BayesCal is PetaGene’s revolutionary Bayesian-based analysis that leverages additional evidence to calculate a more complete estimate of base quality scores. The result is that genotyping accuracy is preserved or even improved, while compressibility is further boosted as a side effect.
A panel of expert judges from academia and industry examined 46 new products in IT and the life sciences considered from the 190 Bio-IT World exhibitors.
"This year saw a record number of applications and technologies for the Best of Show Award,” said Allison Proffitt, Bio-IT World’s Editorial Director. “The award recognizes breakthrough innovations by leading vendors in the industry, and this year’s winners represent technologies that particularly impressed our judges.”
There were five awards in total, with PetaSuite winning in the category for "Optimising Speed and Storage" beating out solutions from some of the largest storage vendors. In reading out the award for PetaSuite, Allison Proffitt said that "the judges chose a new product that could give you millions of dollars worth of storage savings right now, a product that several of our judges wanted to go buy immediately after lunch."
This year, the diverse judging panel included Michael Barmada, University of Pittsburgh; Catherine Brownstein, Boston Children’s Hospital; Joe Cerro, BostonCIO; Chris Dwan, Broad Institute; Martin Gollery, Tahoe Informatics; Richard Holland, New Forest Ventures; Eleanor Howe, Broad Institute; Alan Louie, IDC; Aaron Krol, Bio-IT World; Phillips Kuhl, Cambridge Innovation Institute; Katya Mantrova, Independent Consultant; Jerald Schindler, Merck; Alex Sherman, Massachusetts General Hospital; and Allison Proffitt, Bio-IT World’s Editorial Director.
"We are honored that PetaSuite was selected by Bio-IT World’s prestigious panel of judges for the Best of Show Award,” said Dan Greenfield, co-founder and CEO of PetaGene. "We are excited to help research and diagnostic organizations by making their unwieldy genomics data smaller, faster and better, reducing their costs and even speeding up their collaboration and analysis."
About PetaGene
PetaGene is a software company helping life sciences companies and institutions to tackle the rapidly growing amount of genomic data from Next Generation Sequencing. PetaGene originally started as a government-backed research project in collaboration with the European Bioinformatics Institute to investigate new approaches to manage genomic data. Its innovative software solutions can significantly reduce the costs of genomic data storage, accelerate data transfers, and even speed up analysis.
Dan Greenfield, PetaGene Ltd,, +1 415 670-9438, [email protected]
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