New York, New York (PRWEB) January 28, 2017 -- Below are excepts from the full page letter that was published in the New York Times today.
The writers of the article credit President Trump on his ability to think for himself, and demonstrate that he has the opportunity to save millions of lives, by using psychedelics including the African root Ibogaine. "We want to point out to President Trump that the opiate epidemic is as important as the Economy, and Terrorism, since it affects every family in America" said Mike "Zappy" Zapolin, Founder of the "Your Mind Has Rights" Movement. Zappy as he is known is also the award winning documentary film Director who won the Amsterdam Film Festival's Van Gogh Award for his documentary "The Reality Of Truth" which features Zappy and friends including actress Michelle Rodriguez going inside their minds for answers and healing. Zappy went on to say "Our team is convinced that we can quickly, safely, and cost effectively save the Veterans Administration Billions of Dollars and help millions of veterans to lead joyful lives." The letter was also signed by Pat Baker a global authority in the area of breaking addiction with plant medicine who said "We don't blame anyone for not knowing about Ibogaine, but we need to use the knowledge we have about its efficacy to move quickly, given that so many people are suffering." The social movement "Your Mind Has Rights" is fighting for the right for individuals to go inside their own minds for answers and healing using any means necessary including psychedelics and plant medicines.
Dear President Trump,
Please make the Opiate Addiction/Overdose Epidemic a “First 100 Days” Issue.
Your legacy and leadership are already significant, but you may not realize how much it could be affected by what you wind up doing, or not doing about the epidemic of opiate and alcohol addiction. There are tens of thousands of people dying of overdoses every year, with millions more suffering as they accelerate towards becoming the next victim. Three out of four people that are addicted to opiates and heroin took their first opiate when their doctor prescribed it to them. I understand you lost a family member to alcoholism, so you know the agonizing pain of watching a loved one die from this disease.
All over the Country, our police officers, firefighters, and EMT’s are being overwhelmed with calls related to narcotic overdoses. On the front lines, they are having to use larger and larger doses of Narcan to attempt to bring people back from opiate overdoses, the few lucky ones that survive, still remain hopelessly addicted. The toll this is having on our emergency medical workers is debilitating, and the stress this is beginning to have on our financial well being is becoming more significant by the day, if we wait years to address this it will become exponentially worse.
You have the power to change all of this right now using a natural plant that has been shown for decades to be safe, clinically proven , and very cost effective. A single dose of the plant medicine Ibogaine has been proven to break the addiction to opiates, cocaine, and alcohol, and is safe when done with proper medical oversight. Ibogaine was available for sale in France until 1970 under the trade name Lamberene. In the 1960’s it was listed as a schedule 1 drug, which made it illegal to use, possess, and difficult to conduct a clinical study. This ruling was accepted as being in the interest of public safety, with the understanding that research needed to be done.
In the 1990’s, the FDA approved the clinical study of ibogaine in academic setting at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine under the direction of Professor Deborah Mash. Unfortunately, these studies did not advance because of a lack of public or private funds to support the clinical trials.
Since then, patients treated in St. Kitts, WI, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Mexico, Panama and elsewhere have shown that Ibogaine is highly effective, so continuing to keep it from people who suffer from dependence to heroin, methadone and suboxone is the equivalent of “Modern Day Slavery.”
To Read the Full Letter Click on this link:
Mike “Zappy” Zapolin BIO:
Zappy is the winner of the Amsterdam Film Festival’s Van Gogh award for his documentary film “The Reality Of Truth” which focuses on the importance of going inside ones own mind for answers and healing. The film follows Zappy and his friends, including actress Michelle Rodriguez as they explore ancient wisdom techniques for modern problems.
Zappy is also the visionary behind such Internet brands as,,,, and
Zappy is the creator of the Harvard Business School elective "eBusiness," and recently moderated a first of its kind panel at the Milken Global Conference titled “Highs and Lows of the Cannabis Economy”
Spiritual Director: Kismet Clinic: Ketamine treatments for depression and addiction
Pat Baker BIO:
Pat is recognized globally as a leading authority in treating addiction and depression with plant medicine. He believes that this approach is the only pathway to true freedom, peace, love of oneself, and the world around them. His viral videos show what the horror of addiction does to the human condition, and profiles the inadequacies of the current drug treatment system to even dent this epidemic. His graphic videos have been seen by millions, and continue to save lives every single day. Pat has been fighting for the underprivileged, addicted, and mentally ill, for his entire adult life.
As a Co-Founder of Addiction Assassins, he is dedicated to creating awareness about the power of Ibogaine’s transcendent ability to wipe away one’s pain, mental illness, and addictions, in the safest and quickest way known to man. (Kill Your Addiction Before It Kills You) (Re-Gain your Life With Ibogaine)
michael zapolin, True Reality Society,, +1 6174479012,
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