Scots Venues Offered 5 Star Chance To Meet £249bn Accessibility Challenge
(PRWEB UK) 24 July 2017 -- Purple Hound is launching a new sticker initiative, to push for higher standards for those with disabilities - and signpost the way to the best service for those with accessibility needs. Stickers are free, subject to successful rating of your venue and Purple Hound will promote business to the one in five people in the UK with a disability.
With more than 11 million disabled people in the UK, the combined spending power of this group, commonly called the ‘purple pound’ is a staggering £249 billion.
To have your business rated as a 5 star Purple Hound venue, please e-mail info(at)
To check if a business qualifies as a 5 star venue, check out Purple Hound’s ratings criteria, here:
If not ready to apply for a 5 star rating, any business can ask for a free standard Purple Hound sticker, provided the business agrees to Purple Hound’s Accessibility Charter, which means agreeing to the principles as laid out next to the Purple Hound sticker (‘no stars’) on the website star ratings page above.
Purple Hound is the accessibility champion of the disabled community, finding buildings and people that have the capability to cater to and provide services for the disabled community. Purple Hound gives recognition to places that are accessible, and promote them to a wide audience of potential customers. Anyone can put forward their place of work and recommend we rate you as a 5 star venue. If you are a customer who knows somewhere that should have a 5 star rating, please let us know.
Kripen Dhrona, Purple Hound’s Marketing Director, said: “Purple Hound aims to promote better standards across the board for accessibility, starting with the UK. Purple Hound will promote best practice and signpost the most accessible venues and ‘Accessible Champions’, enabling those with accessibility needs to choose products and services in a new way.
“We’ve decided to roll out the stickers on a regional basis starting with Scotland, so there is a great opportunity for one or more Scottish venues to be profiled as being some of the first in the UK to meet Purple Hound’s accessibility standards.”
To find out more about the work of Purple Hound, check out the YouTube link
Jon Gardner, BeyondPR, +44 1142756996, [email protected]
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