Industry Analyst Jeff Kagan on New HTC One Mini
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) July 20, 2013 -- The brand new HTC One Mini has been introduced. If you liked the HTC One, but thought it was just too big for your hand, then you may love the HTC One Mini, which is coming soon, says CNET, July 18.
Tech analyst Jeff Kagan offers comment.
“If you liked the brand new HTC One, but it was just too big, they have just introduced an even newer and smaller HTC One Mini. The screen and the entire phone is a little smaller, which makes it easier to hold. The smaller size also comes with a lower price tag as well," says Wireless analyst Jeff Kagan.
“Every customer is different. Some want larger screens, while others want a smaller footprint. So smartphone makers must begin to change the way they think about size and cost. Not every customer wants the same big screen or the most expensive device. Many prefer the smaller screens and lower costs. So I expect to see phone makers create different size and cost versions of their most popular devices," says Principal analyst Jeff Kagan.
“HTC may be one of the early companies to go down this path with a larger and smaller size of the same phone. I think the idea makes a lot of sense. As long as the device is a winner that is,” says Kagan.
“The new HTC One Mini is very strong in the feature department. In fact you don’t have to give up much at all. So it seems this choice is more about size and cost than anything else. There is less power, but not everyone needs the most powerful. Many would prefer to save money. Now there is a choice,” says Kagan.
About Jeff Kagan
Jeff Kagan is a Technology Industry Analyst and consultant who is regularly quoted by the media over 25 years. He offers comment on wireless, telecom and tech news stories to reporters and journalists.
He is also known as a Tech Analyst, Wireless Analyst, Telecom Analyst and Principal Analyst depending on the focus of the story.
He follows wireless, telecom, Internet, cable television and IPTV. He also follows the wide consumer electronics and technology space.
Reporters: Jeff Kagan sends comments by email to reporters and the media. If you would like to be added to this email list please send request by email.
Clients: Call or email Jeff Kagan to discuss becoming a client. Kagan has worked with many companies over 25 years as consulting clients.
Contact: Jeff Kagan by email at jeff(at)jeffKAGAN(dot)com or by phone at 770-579-5810.
Visit his website: at to learn more and for disclosures.
Kagan is an analyst, consultant, columnist and speaker.
Twitter: @jeffkagan
Jeff Kagan, Tech Analyst, Industry Analyst, Jeff Kagan, Tech Anaylyst,, 770-579-5810, [email protected]
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