Weight Gain Network Reveals Four Essential Growth Factors for Any Muscle Building Diet
Pompano Beach, FL (PRWEB) September 25, 2013 -- For skinny men and hardgainers alike, transforming one’s physique can be challenging, especially when battling an apparent genetic predisposition to be thin. But, the body mass experts at Weight Gain Network have helped to crack the code to a perfect muscle building diet.
In fact, when coupled with the right amount of effort at the gym, these so-called “Top 4 Muscle Growth Factors” can help to account for at least 75% of results. However, without these four muscle building diet essentials in place, Weight Gain Network warns, no amount of effort in the gym will garner the type of results a bodybuilder is after.
So, just what are these four dietary essentials for packing on pounds of lean muscle? Weight Gain Network has identified them as follows:
A customized calorie intake goal - Net calories taken in by the body that are above and beyond what’s burned at rest are the fuel that’s needed to build muscle and to keep you going as you work hard to make that happen.
Ideal protein intake - Protein is an essential building block of muscle and it’s important not to fall short with intake. However, eating more protein does not create more lean muscle, so there is no point to taking in excessive amounts. Weight lifters should take in 1-1.5g of lean protein per day to see results.
Carbohydrates for fuel - Wholesome, complex sources of carbohydrates are ideal energy providers for growing muscles. Plus, when carbs elevate insulin levels, they help prime tissues in the body for muscle-building activities like weight training.
Healthy fats for hormone balance - So little thought is given to the power healthy fats have over the body’s hormone balance. However, testosterone, the primary muscle building hormone, is optimized when the body is fueled with healthy fats from sources like flaxseed, fish, avocados and nuts.
Weight Gain Network is a Pompano Beach, Florida based company that provides muscle-building advice to skinny guys who want to bulk up. Since 2010, Weight Gain Network has committed to creating the best videos and articles to show men how to gain weight fast. For more information on Weight Gain Network, please visit http://www.WeightGainNetwork.com.
Jeff Masterson, Muscle Tactics, http://www.MuscleTactics.com, +1 (855) 424-6435, [email protected]
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