Winter Proves Pigeons Are City Pests Year-Round
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) January 08, 2015 -- The first week of January has brought freezing cold weather to many cities (Chicago and New York for example), and many people wonder how pigeons are still such a problem. Bird-X, Chicago-based humane pest control experts for 50 years, explain the winter habits of the common pigeon and how to best remove them from undesired spaces.
Some birds, notably the common city pigeon (or Rock Dove), have adapted to live around humans where food sources are plentiful. The lack of food is one of the largest reasons so many species of birds migrate or adapt to eat differently in winter – when insects disappear and even berries and seeds get covered in ice and snow.
As January presses on and temperatures below freezing span days, the daily challenges grow for most birds.
Trash and other food sources, however, are a regular luxury in densely populated areas. Pigeons have no reason to leave. This is one part why controlling pigeons can be difficult; they don’t want to abandon a reliable food source. As they are larger birds capable of gaining more weight than other birds, fat deposits help to supply them with nutrition when food is scarce.
Unfrozen water is also more readily available in cities due to human activity, such as moving cars and foot traffic. Lack of water is another common reason birds expire in frozen climates, and any source of unfrozen water (left in gutters or elsewhere) is quickly taken advantage of.
Like all birds, pigeons are warm-blooded and maximize this fact by fluffing up their downy undercoat and preening their outer feathers with waterproof oil produced by a gland, keeping their bodies warm and dry. Pigeons will also huddle together in groups to share body heat. Precious energy is also conserved by staying less active than they do during warmer months; flying and other activities are less frequent during winter months.
It is because of this that city pigeons are often seen huddled alongside building ledges and signs, the underside of overpasses, and other areas that shield them from strong winds. Any food provided to them by people feeding them, uncovered trash cans, and litter will also attract them in large numbers.
Pigeon spikes, which won’t deteriorate in weather, are the best way to keep pigeons off ledges, signs, and buildings. If a larger area needs to be treated, bird netting works by blocking their entry entirely. Pigeon control works the same way in winter as it does in summer months. As is true for all non-migratory birds, just make sure the solutions are appropriately weatherproof for cold climates.
Keeping pigeons out of human areas is just as important as in warmer months, since pigeons and their droppings carry over 60 transmissible diseases as well as parasites, can cause large liabilities, fire hazards and maintenance costs if they’re allowed to stick around, and the birds themselves can be a general nuisance. Preventing pigeons from landing on areas year-round achieves optimal bird control results, as the pigeons are forced to change their habits permanently and go elsewhere.
Bird-X, Inc. has spent over 50 years as the leading international brand of humane bird and pest control products and is dedicated to protecting the health of humans, wildlife, and the environment in which we all live. The Chicago-based company manufactures a complete line of unique pest control products with an unmatched focus on quality, efficacy, and customer service.
Kelly Nelson, Bird-X, Inc.,, +1 (312) 226-8454, [email protected]
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