The first edition of "The Prisoner of San Jose" was published in 2008. The author, Pierre S. Freeman, is now planning to release a second edition of this spellbinding memoir in 2024 – "The Prisoner of AMORC." This new edition will include interviews with previous and current AMORC members and include multiple illustrated photos of the author.
NEW YORK, Aug. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- So, what is AMORC? This organization is a branch of the Rosicrucians. It claims to train its members to master the Art of Assumption; to help them develop the power to become invisible at will; to communicate with people in any part of the world through the power of thinking; and to achieve many other jaw-dropping declarations. Margaret Thaler Singer in her book 'Cults In Our Midst: The Continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace,' cited Gini Scott's study in which she found that "a cult leader controls members by their belief in his alleged magical status and powers, and by their own need to believe that they, too, can gain such powers."
According to the monographs of AMORC, when a member is fully-trained, and as long as that member is in good standing with the "egregore" of AMORC, (egregore is AMORC-loaded language used to describe the collective thought of the members), the member can easily use these skills to gain access to wealth and power." This draws parallels with Margaret Thaler Singer's red description In her book 'Cults In Our Midst: The Continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace', where she explains that "when describing the general training routine, the trainer proclaims "This program works, it's all up to you to obey and get the maximum benefits."
AMORC claims, with the Power of Assumption, the member has the ability to take over the head of The Secretary-General of the United Nations or any other powerful world government and to influence those people to do what the AMORC member thinks is best for humankind. AMORC also claims, The Power of Assumption can also be used to influence an employer to hire a member and give him/her the job they want.
AMORC explains in its monographs that being in "good standing" with the egregore means being current on membership dues; defending AMORC, privately and publicly, against its critics; and maintaining allegiance to AMORC leaders – both visible and invisible.
Thaler Singer describes the commitment required this way: "Eventually, and usually sooner rather than later, most cults expect members to devote increasing time, energy, and money or other resources to the professed goals of the group, stating or implying that a total commitment is required to reach some state such as "enlightenment." This is referred to as the "Coordinated Program of Persuasion."
The AMORC leader hierarchy starts with the Imperator (emperor) and the Grand Masters and continues down from there. AMORC claims these leaders are the most advanced spiritual beings on earth. When they die, AMORC said that they become the highest beings in the other world. The members are compliant and work hard to keep their thoughts under control because the invisible masters can remove them from the egregore protection at any time.
"When I joined AMORC in 1981, my earliest lessons were to always beg them for mercy," Freeman says. "Twisted and sadistic as these first lessons were, they became the slogan that I have written all throughout my Rosicrucian diaries. I found hundreds of diary entries where I beg the imperator and the grand masters to have mercy on me. Begging for mercy became a survival technique."
Freeman's raw memoir vividly portrays his daunting journey of being ensnared for an extended span of 26 years within this mystical order, lured by the promises such as " if they chant mystical words repeatedly… they will gain the power to get whatever they wish", just as Steven Hassan described in his book 'Combating Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-Selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cult'.
From 2018 to 2023, Freeman who has been terminally sick since 2016, lay silent and avoided the Internet. He used this time to try to heal from the hands of his abusive captors, the leaders of AMORC and worked to try and come to terms with the original teachings of this sect. However, but repeatedly came up empty because as Margaret Thaler Singer puts it in her book ' Cults In Our Midst: The Continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace', members are told not to question the leaders but " to obey and get the maximum benefits". And, so the internal revolt resurfaced again.
In this second edition, Freeman (even though still sick) shares his painful experience of attempting to silence himself after publishing so many books exposing the mind control techniques of AMORC. "The Prisoner of AMORC" explains why it's impossible to accept servitude once you have experienced freedom.
Other books from Freeman include:
"The Prisoner of San Jose;"(2008): This is about how Freeman deprograms himself and recovers the mental and emotional stability he lost 24 years earlier.
"AMORC Unmasked;"(2010): This reveals the cult's hidden agenda, along with the advanced hypnotic techniques it employs to slowly gain control over the people who join.
"Tales of the Puppet Master"(2015): Here, Freeman examines five of H. Spencer Lewis's well-known publications.
"Daring to Speak of Darkness"(2015): This book reviews some of the world's best anti-cult literature and applies its insights to AMORC.
Hassan, S. (1988). Combatting cult mind control.
Singer, M. T. (2007). Cults in Our Midst: The Continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace, Margaret Thaler Singer
Media Contact
Pierre S. Freeman, The Prisoner of AMORC, 1 2816204393, [email protected]
SOURCE Pierre S. Freeman

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