A study by Queendom.com looks at how personality influences whether you will be able to attain your goals for 2024.
MONTREAL, Jan. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- As another year draws to a close, introspection begins. Like an accountant tallying up the year's debits and credits, many people assess what they've achieved, what they could have done better, and what they just want to forget. This annual post-mortem of achievements and opportunities missed typically results in a resolve to turn the page—lofty goals are set and resolutions for the upcoming year are made. However, well over 90% of us see our willpower tapering off by mid-February. So, what does it take to actually walk the walk and not just talk the talk? Researchers at Queendom.com identified two key traits that are absolutely crucial to success among the 9% of people who actually stick with their New Year resolutions: ambition and drive.
The study categorized 5,267 participants into four distinct personality types based on their levels of ambition and drive:
> LOUNGERS: People who are not ambitious nor driven.
> DREAMERS: People who are ambitious but not very driven.
> PLODDERS: People who are not very ambitious but who are very driven.
> GO-GETTERS: People who are both very ambitious and driven.
Here's a breakdown of each type:
What they have going for them:
> Not setting goals means they don't risk failure or disappointment.
> The lower the bar is set, the easier it is to succeed.
> A more laid-back lifestyle is less stressful.
> Not pursuing anything might result in more leisure time.
> They don't waste time pursuing a goal that may not actually fulfill them in the end.
What holds them back:
> A lack of ambition means their potential goes unrealized.
> They are less likely to spot opportunities when they come knocking.
> A lack of drive makes it far more difficult to motivate themselves to do anything that requires effort.
> A life without purpose can lead to feelings of boredom, emptiness, dissatisfaction, depression, a negative, fatalistic mindset, and the sense that something is missing in their lives.
> Loungers are more likely to have an external locus of control and suffer from Impostor Syndrome.
Tips to help Loungers achieve their New Year's resolutions:
> Start with small goals, then work your way up. For example, resolve to lose 10 pounds over the next year, to clean out one junk drawer a month, or to start exercising for five minutes a day (and adding one minute every week).
> Figure out what motivates you. What types of rewards get you the most excited? After setting and achieving one of your small goals, give yourself a little reward. The greater the achievement, the greater the reward should be. Praise yourself for every step you take.
> Find a purpose or passion. Whether it's a hobby, fostering animals until they're adoptable, creating art or music, or volunteering, find something that adds meaning to your life and possibly to the lives of others.
What they have going for them:
> Dreamers are visionaries who can inspire others and get buy-in.
> It doesn't take much to get them excited about a goal or pursuit, which opens a floodgate of ideas.
> They set their sights high and believe anything is possible.
> 100% of the Dreamers in the study aspired to become better people (the highest of the four types).
> 92% love to learn new things.
What holds them back:
> Although they are strong in vision, they lack the strategic skills, pragmatism, and drive to bring anything to fruition.
> They live on an emotional roller coaster. They get the high from envisioning their dreams, but then experience soul-crushing lows when they think they can't achieve them.
> With an external locus of control, they blame other people, society, or bad luck for their lack of success, creating a victim mentality. They will come up with excuses as to why they can't achieve a goal and tend to see obstacles as roadblocks.
> They live vicariously through others, and they may be job-hoppers looking for fast money or the next big thing.
> They may struggle with feelings of envy, regret, dissatisfaction, bitterness, and depression.
Tips to help Dreamers achieve their New Year's resolutions:
> Don't focus on the obstacles to your goals; focus on solutions. Take a piece of paper and write out what's holding you back, and then come up with five to ten solutions.
> Read inspirational books. There's nothing more inspiring than reading about people just like you who went through the same hardships you did and still managed to come out on top. It gives you hope and a reason to keep trying.
> Discover what drives you. Do you thrive on pressure, rewards, or recognition? Incorporate strong motivators into your goal plan as much as possible. Also, make sure to break down your big ideas into small steps. Find the next best step in the right direction, and then go for it. This will create a progress loop of small successes, which will motivate you to keep going.
What they have going for them:
> They're hardworking, self-motivated, perseverant, and mentally tough.
> When given an objective by others, they will pursue it wholeheartedly and won't give up until it's achieved.
> They understand that self-improvement is a lifelong process and strive to better themselves.
> They stay safe within their comfort zone and don't have to worry about taking risks or failing.
> Most of the Plodders (78%) are happy and satisfied with their lives.
What holds them back:
> Not setting goals or having ambitions means they won't be able to make a mark on the world, nor will they self-actualize. Whatever potential they have, it will remain latent.
> Although they are extremely self-motivated, this energy is directed towards day-to-day objectives rather than grander pursuits, which results in many missed opportunities.
> There is value in hard work, but it can be very demoralizing to put a lot of effort into something that doesn't fulfill you (e.g., working hard at menial tasks that just keep coming).
> Plodders are more "go with the flow" people than planners, so they essentially float through life without a sense of purpose.
> They may be filled with regret for not doing more with their lives.
Tips to help Plodders achieve their New Year's resolutions:
> Determine the reasons why you are not very ambitious. Is it a lack of goal-setting skills? Are you afraid to fail? Are you satisfied with the status quo? Get to the root of your reluctance by asking yourself the following questions:
> If you had an abundance of resources at your disposal, what would you do with them?
- If you could speak to a mentor, what would you want them to teach you?
- What is your most ambitious dream?
- Come up with one challenging goal or several moderately challenging ones. For example, go back to school and get a degree, or put together an ambitious DIY project. You have the determination, resilience, and energy to achieve anything; you just need to direct it towards the right target.
> Craft a vision board and thoughtfully select images and phrases that embody your dreams. Through this process, you can attain a more profound insight into your core values and what matters most to you.
What they have going for them:
> Being both ambitious and driven, they have the best of both worlds. They don't set goals and pay lip service; they actually put in the hard work to achieve them.
> Go-Getters are the people who get things done. They are the ones who bring about great innovations that advance the world and make the impossible possible.
> They are productive, results-oriented, efficient, smart goal-setters, and hungry for knowledge.
> They have solid self-confidence, a strong sense of self-efficacy, and are comfortable taking risks for the sake of success.
> Almost the entire sample of Go-Getters (90%) is happy.
What holds them back:
> Some Go-Getters might be overachievers and perfectionists who rarely savor their victories; rather, they immediately move on to the next big goal. This can result in burnout.
> The loftier the goal, the greater the risk of failure. Not being able to achieve such goals can be psychologically and financially devastating.
> A life focused only on achievement and success might come at the cost of relationships and personal well-being.
> Unscrupulous Go-Getters who pursue success at all costs might make morally questionable decisions. In fact, 67% of Go-Getters believe that it is sometimes necessary to step on others' toes in order to get ahead.
Tips to help Go-Getters achieve their New Year's resolutions:
> Make sure to use the "SMART" approach to setting goals. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant to your life, and time-bound.
> Write your aspirations down. Putting your goals on paper not only makes them seem more real, but it also helps you get clear about what's important to you. Prioritize.
> Set goals and resolutions that align with your values. Otherwise, you will be working towards something that will not satisfy you. Consider an objective that would not only enhance your life but would also allow you to leave a legacy behind that benefits generations to come.
> Take time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Evaluate the process that led to the success. Give yourself a pat on the back.
"Ambition and drive are like a superhero and a sidekick; they are far more powerful when they're working together, creating synergy," explains Dr. Ilona Jerabek, president of Queendom. "Having a lot of drive but no goals, like our Plodders, is a lot of wasted energy that could be channeled so much more effectively. Having lots of lofty goals but no drive to achieve them, as is the case with the Dreamers, can leave people feeling disillusioned and frustrated. In fact, we consider the Dreamer types the most disadvantaged because they have so many great ideas and hopes but lack the motivation to make them happen. So our advice to people who are setting resolutions this year is to set SMART goals. Not only will you be generating aspirations that are important to you, but you will also be able to create a plan of action that is feasible. Remember, if you're setting the same resolutions as you did last year, it's a sign that you need to change things up."
How ambitious are you? Check out the Ambition Test at: https://www.queendom.com/tests/access_page/index.htm?idRegTest=3296
To learn more about psychological testing, download this free eBook: http://hrtests.archprofile.com/personality-tests-in-hr
About Queendom
Queendom originally appeared on the internet scene in 1996. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of personality, IQ, health, career, and attitude tests. Queendom's staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts.
Media Contact
Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., PsychTests AIM Inc, 5147453189, [email protected], https://testyourself.psychtests.com/
SOURCE Queendom.com

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