“Detective Dominator” Is The Facebook Chat Monitor Software Program That Helps People Record Facebook Chats Secretly – Vinamy
Seattle, WA (PRWEB) November 04, 2013 -- Detective Dominator is a new computer monitoring system that will help people monitor and record computer and internet activities easily and professionally. The program also is designed for anyone who wants to monitor their children's computers. Since the Detective Dominator program was released, a lot of customers have used it for learning how to record Facebook chats secretly. Consequently, the website Vinamy.com completed a full overview about the effectiveness of the Detective Dominator program.
A full overview of Detective Dominator on the site Vinamy.com indicates that this internet monitoring software program takes people step-by-step through the process of discovering how to monitor their computer while they are away, and how to retrieve lost information easily. This program also is useful for people who manage a business and need to monitor the productivity of their employees. In addition, by using this chat monitoring software program, people will discover personal advertising contacts and hookups through Match.com, Craigslist, AdultFriendFinder and other personal advertising websites. Furthermore, people will learn detailed instructions to record screen activity by choosing the option to capture screenshots, and step-by-step descriptions to capture and record what has been typed within an email, chat, Facebook posting, and IM (instant messaging). Moreover, the program also features a stealth mode to make sure that the computer user does not know he or she is being tracked.
Dean Somerse from the site Vinamy.com says that: “Detective Dominator is the unique program that reveals to people simple steps to monitor their personal computer and internet activity. The program also covers a built in email engine, which will email a copy of the current capture log at scheduled intervals. In addition, in this program, people will learn how to capture keystrokes on a computer. Furthermore, if people’s computers have common problems such as slow PC, system crashing and error messages, they should use the PC optimization software to improve their PC performance quickly. Moreover, the author of the Detective Dominator program will offer people a money back guarantee if this program does not work for them.”
If people wish to view pros and cons from a full Detective Dominator overview, they could visit the website: http://vinamy.com/facebook-chat-logger-with-detective-dominator/
To know more information about the Detective Dominator program, get a direct access to the official site.
About the website: Vinamy.com is the site built by Tony Nguyen. The site supplies people with tips, ways, programs, methods and e-books about many topics including business, health, entertainment, and lifestyle. People could send their feedback to Tony Nguyen on any digital products via email.
Tony Nguyen, Vinamy, http://vinamy.com/, 84916961839, [email protected]
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