LAKELAND, Fla., Dec. 3, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Lakeland Regional Health is adding the ActX Genomic Decision Support platform, also known as GenoACTSM, into their electronic health record (EHR). Lakeland strives to deliver the best outcomes and safest care by placing people at the heart of all that they do. Lakeland is passionate about wellness, education, and discovery for their patients, and integrating ActX is their most recent move in creating a healthcare experience that is as personalized as possible.
Last year, leaders from Lakeland took a trip to NorthShore University HealthSystem in Chicago and were inspired by the work NorthShore has accomplished with genetics and their ActX platform integration. With ActX activated in the EHR, physicians will receive real-time alerts as they write prescriptions, and they will be able to check hereditary risks and carrier statuses, all within regular EHR workflow.
Genomics is part of the 2025 strategic vision for Lakeland. Joseph Davis, the Associate Vice President of Physician Recruitment and Ambulatory Operations, has spearheaded the ActX roll out. Davis says, "My plan for Lakeland, in regards to genomics, is to increase utilization, customize patient treatment plans, create a sub-physician group of active platform users, and make Lakeland a leader in precision medicine that providers want to be part of. I'm thrilled to be launching ActX and I can't wait to see where it takes us".
"We are thrilled that Lakeland has joined our effort to make genomic decision support part of regular patient care," says Dr. Andrew Ury, ActX CEO. "Integrating our information with their EHR is crucial for making genomic support a seamless addition to Lakeland's everyday medical care and to help to improve healthcare quality and outcomes."
About ActX
ActX is the industry leader in EHR-integrated precision medicine. Our service helps physicians make better decisions about medical treatment, using a patient's genetic information to guide therapy. The ActX Genomic Service offers proven, tightly integrated, real-time genomic decision support for medication orders and actionable genomic risks, a built in patient Genomic Profile, and the ability to fully customize content.
As medications are ordered, and before the prescription is finalized, medications are checked against the patient's genetics for efficacy, adverse reactions, and dosing. Extensive evidence based and actionable content is provided as default, customizable content, covering hundreds of genes. You can easily suppress any content or interactions, or add or modify content. The ActX Genomic Service is live at numerous U.S. health systems. For more information, visit, email [email protected] or call 888-998-2289.
Media Contact
Ellie Newby, ActX, +1 (888) 998-2289 Ext: 101, [email protected]

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