Xulon Press presents an enlightening teaching for anyone yearning to be a better a person or learning the right time to become "yoked."
SACRAMENTO, Calif., Oct. 26, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Author Edith Amey-Gilbert provides readers with a fascinating look at reaching one's destiny in A Yoke: It's More Than Just A Chicken ($12.49, paperback, 9781662887611; $5.99, e-book, 9781662887628).
Cleverly playing on the word "yoke," Amey-Gilbert explains to readers how from the very beginning of existence in the mother's womb, each new life is learning how to live in this life. Expanding on that thought, her book explores how throughout one's life, each person is attached to various things that help shape the person they are. Each person is continually being "yoked" or connected with who they currently are and how they will grow. Amey-Gilbert shares an analogy with readers by explaining how one makes thousands of choices every day and those choices in life can actually determine one's destiny.
When asked what inspired the author to write this book, Amey-Gilbert said, "I feel that this book was an assignment for me. I believe that I was led to write the words. Despite the opposition that I had received in writing; I was compelled to complete it."
Edith Amey-Gilbert was born in Fresno, California and is a wife, a mother of six, a grandmother of 25 and a great grandmother of 24. She is the CFO of Kingdom Hearts Home, helping the youth and homeless society in Sacramento County. She is the Founder of Inspired by God Productions and has written, directed, and produced six stage plays. Amey-Gilbert's passion is bringing others to Christ, "One soul at a time." She enjoys singing, sewing, teaching, reading, travelling, and viewing God's beautiful artwork.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world's largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 20,000 titles published to date. A Yoke: It's More Than Just A Chicken is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.
Media Contact
Edith Amey-Gilbert, Salem Author Services, (559) 274-7327, [email protected]
SOURCE Xulon Press

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