Object Management Group Chairs Tackle Important Subjects in Technology Standards
Focus on standards for blockchain, business reporting, finance, middleware, modeling, retail, robotics, semantics and software quality
NEEDHAM, Mass., July 15, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Chairs of the Object Management Group® (OMG®) Task Forces (TFs) and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) presented updates about their standards work during a plenary session on the last day of the OMG quarterly membership meeting, which took place from June 17-22, 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
OMG is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium where members develop and maintain standards that influence the future direction of technology as well as industries including space, government, finance, manufacturing, robotics, retail and healthcare.
The following Chairs reported on their groups' accomplishments:
- Mike Bennett, co-chair of the OMG Finance Domain Task Force (FDTF) and Head of Semantics and Standards at the EDM Council: "The FDTF voted on a set of agreed definitions for some core concepts that need defining in government regulation, and also looked at the current status of the Financial Industry Business Ontology® (FIBO®) standard, ways to digest the FIBO content and possible ways to improve its governance." Mike is also co-chair of the OMG Blockchain Platform Special Interest Group (PSIG): "The Blockchain PSIG met to consider the challenges and opportunities in the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) space and how OMG standards can be achieved that address these, including integration across different DLT ecosystems, the use of OMG instrument identification standard (FIGI®) for crypto assets and progress on standards for the IOTA graph-based Tangle ecosystem."
- Claude Baudoin, co-chair of the Business Modeling & Integration Domain Task Force (BMI DTF) and Owner and Principal consultant at cébé IT and Knowledge Management: "The Business Modeling & Integration (BMI) Domain Task Force issued a Request for Proposals for a Standard Business Report Model (SBRM) specification, and advanced the drafting of two Requests for Information, one on Risk Management and the other on Requirements Management. The Cloud Working Group completed its newest deliverable, the Practical Guide for Cloud Governance. And the Data Governance Working Group delivered a half-day tutorial on the challenges of data residency."
- Donald Chapin, co-chair of the Semantics of Business Vocabulary & Business Rules 1.6 Revision Task Force: "The new SBVR™ v1.5 revision, which removes UML® notation from its vocabulary diagrams, was approved by the OMG Architecture Board, and the SBVR v1.6 Revision Task Force was chartered."
- Dr. Bill Curtis, Founding Executive Director of the Consortium for Information and Software Quality™ (CISQ™): "The finalization of the CISQ Automated Source Code Quality Measures specification was approved by the OMG Architecture Board. CISQ held a successful public event titled, Modern Metrics for Productivity and Continuous Improvement, involving speeches from leading IT executives and experts. David Norton was announced as the new Executive Director of CISQ."
- Sanford Friedenthal, chair of the Systems Engineering Domain Special Interest Group (SE DSIG) and Consultant at SAF Consulting: "The SE DSIG included a series of presentations on different aspects of MBSE including: variant modeling practices and challenges, managing the digital twin across the lifecycle, modeling infrastructure projects using the Building Information Model (BIM) and SysML®, and MBSE environments from JPL and the European Space Agency (ESA), as well as an updated presentation and demonstration by the SysML v2 Submission Team co-leads." Interested parties may still join OMG to participate in the development of SysML v2.
- Koji Kamei, co-chair of the OMG Robotics Domain Task Force and group leader of the Department of Cloud Intelligence at ATR: "Robotics DTF reported contacts with IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and Université Paris-Est Créteil concerning Robotic Service Ontology (RoSO) and decided to extend the LOI deadline from Nashville meeting to Long Beach meeting." Companies interested in helping OMG develop a Robotic Service Ontology have until December to register their interest.
- Bart McGlothin, chair of the Retail Domain Task Force and Solution Architect at Cisco: "Great discussions with great people. Artificial Intelligence is enhancing the customer experience with Face Payments and product selection optimizations, UPOS v1.16 Retail Communications Service Devices is now in beta, retail IoT security guidance is being developed (come join us), and we are updating our cloud guidance with a new paper (read more)."
- Charlotte Wales, co-chair of the Middleware and Related Services (MARS) Platform Task Force (PTF) and Lead Software Engineer at The MITRE Corporation: "MARS had a busy week. It recommended two specifications for adoption, subsequently approved by the PTC (IDL4 to Java Mapping and DDS® to JSON Syntax Mapping), laid solid groundwork for a new Space Telecommunications Interface (STI) RFP, and added a new internal Working Group dedicated to all things CORBA®."
- Tim Weilkiens, co-chair of the OMG SysML® 1.5 Revision Task Force: "All of the experts in SysML Precise Semantics from all over the world were in one single room, so we able to resolve an issue that blocked us for months."
For a full list of OMG works in progress, please visit https://www.omg.org/public_schedule/.
To participate in OMG specifications, visit https://www.omg.org/memberservices/index.htm.
About OMG
The Object Management Group® (OMG®) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium with representation from government, industry and academia. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies and an even wider range of industries. OMG's modeling standards enable powerful visual design, execution and maintenance of software and other processes. Visit http://www.omg.org for more information.
Note to editors: Object Management Group and OMG are registered trademarks of the Object Management Group. For a listing of all OMG trademarks, visit https://www.omg.org/legal/tm_list.htm. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. *FIBO and Financial Industry Business Ontology are registered trademarks of the EDM-C, used with permission.
SOURCE Object Management Group

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