Montem Outdoor Gear Launches New Line of Nordic Walking Poles
NEW YORK, June 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Montem Outdoor Gear has launched an all-new line of Nordic walking poles. The new Montem Pro Walker Nordic walking poles feature a high-quality design and are made with Montem's superior components that are built to last. The walking poles are expected to be available on June 30, 2018.
The new line of walking poles was inspired in part by ongoing consumer requests. Although similar to trekking poles, Nordic walking poles, feature a fixed length of 2 to 3 sections, along with a releasable strap system, and are specifically designed with removable angled rubber tips to assist with push-off.
"We are very excited to be launching these new poles," said founder Joseph Passalacqua. "We received a lot of feedback from our customers, who were using our current line of trekking poles for Nordic walking. We hope our poles make an impact and provide the benefits of improved posture and coordination realized by many who have used Nordic walking poles."
Nordic walking is among the fastest growing fitness trends all around the globe. It is a full-body method of walking where you walk on a flat surface and your Nordic walking poles help propel you forward. The lower body gets the benefits of traditional walking or speed walking, and the poles work the upper body. Nordic walking is an endurance activity, working many of the muscle groups used in running and cross-country skiing. It is an ideal activity for cardiorespiratory fitness because it can be performed at any intensity.
The new line of poles is a complementary extension to the company's current line of Montem trekking poles. Montem's current line of trekking poles include poles manufactured in aluminum and carbon fiber, available as collapsible trekking poles, folding trekking poles or anti-shock trekking poles. Montem's trekking poles and outdoor products have been featured in various industry-leading publications such as Backpacker, Forbes and the Wirecutter, a New York Times Company.
Hiking and long-distance walking are fun activities that provide a wealth of physical and psychological benefits. One of the best ways to make hiking easier is through the use of walking sticks or trekking poles. Even experienced hikers occasionally find it difficult to keep their balance while carrying a heavy pack. By giving yourself an additional point of contact (or two), you'll benefit from much better stability and balance. Trekking poles help to make traveling easier and help you to cover greater distances during your travels. You can learn more about the benefits of trekking poles here:
Montem Outdoor Gear is a leader in innovating and creating outdoor equipment for year-round use. We've been trained to believe these costs increase quality, but they rarely do. We estimate the average person pays at least 30% more for products of comparable quality as ours. Our minimalistic elements, coupled with traditional design, results high quality gear for the best prices.
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Media Contact: Joseph Passalacqua, Montem Outdoor Gear, 347-688-3970, [email protected]
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